ID CP2286765
Apartament 4 camere vis-a-vis de parcul Cismigiu
ID CP2286765
340,000 €
CityImob Invest are placerea de a va oferi spre vanzare un apartament de 4 camere cu vedere directa la parcul Cismigiu.
Locuinta cu o suprafata utila de 105 mp, este compusa din patru camere, bucatarie inchisa, baie, toaleta de serviciu, hol de primire si vestibul cu scara interioara. La acestea se adauga o si un spatiu de depozitare la demisol.
Cele patru camere, ale caror inaltime depaseste 3 m, sunt dispuse decomandat si au suprafete intre 13,5 si 24 mp la care se adauga holul de primire de 18 mp.
Apartamentul are acces separat si este pozitionat la hochparterre-ul unei vile cu un etaj, in forma de ”U” cu o curte interioara.
Proprietatea este ideala si pentru persoanele care doresc sa locuiasca in centrul orasului sau pentru sediu de firma.
Nu avem informatii despre clasa energetica in care este incadrat imobilul.
In cazul in care oferta noastra a reusit sa va capteze atentia, va asteptam la o vizionare.
Acordam asistenta GRATUITA persoanelor care doresc achizionarea prin credit.
CityImob Invest is pleased to offer for sale a 4 rooms apartment with direct view to Cismigiu Park.
The apartment with a useful surface of 105 sqm, is composed of four rooms, detached kitchen, bathroom, lavatory, reception hall and vestibule with interior staircase. In addition there is a storage space in the basement.
The four rooms, whose height exceed 3 m, are detached and have areas between 13.5 and 24 square meters plus the reception hall of 18 square meters.
The apartment has separate access and is located on the Hochparterre of a one-storey, U-shaped villa with an inner courtyard.
The property is also ideal for people who want to live in the city centre or for company headquarters.
We have no information about the energy class in which the property is classified.
If our offer has caught your attention, we are looking forward to a viewing.
We offer FREE assistance to people who wish to purchase the property by credit!